Comic Guides feature Private Pew Pew

Comprehensive reference guides to help you collect them all
As envisioned by former writers of YoJoe.com Roger Taft and Josh Eggebeen, AFTER ACTION REPORT (AAR) started as a series of reference guides that cover all the known G.I. Joe comics and books ever published. Backed by its own Kickstarter moving through distinct series, publishers and 40 years of periodicals, each AAR Volume covers an era of G.I. Joe comics based generally off the publisher during a particular decade. Each Comic Guide volume is a catalog of every known version of any Hasbro licensed G.I. Joe comic or book produced during a specific era including every cover variant. In addition, each guide contains creator interviews, historical articles, highlight pages of cool G.I. Joe related subjects & lots of fun facts. The cover of each Guide features original artwork illustrated exclusively for that guide plus original back cover art by an artist of that era. At the back of each Comic Guide is a master checklist that collector's can conveniently use to track their missing comics. Each comprehensive Guide will send collectors down the rabbit hole trying to collect them all.
Why make AAR Comic Guides?
The G.I. Joe community has a very loyal collecting community that has loved G.I. Joe since 1964. So many of those fans have published books on collecting G.I. Joe. The majority of these books are toy based from the many different eras of G.I. Joe as well as collecting the art & pre-production process.
With many of those authors being contributors or advisors to AAR, Roger & Josh plan to spends hours, even years of their life, dedicated to preserving all aspects of G.I. Joe comics by creating guide books that cover all of the different versions of the comics from Marvel, Devil’s Due and IDW eras of G.I. Joe; the amazing variant covers; the history of their creation; the creators' stories; the international versions; all to help preserve the comics part of
G.I. Joe's history.
It’s always been Roger's dream to have a useable and handy guide book for collecting G.I. Joe comics. A resource to track his collection when hunting for G.I. Joe comics in those long boxes at every convention. From printed paper lists based upon Excel to modern day apps on phones, Roger and all other collectors have used all sorts of methods to track the gaps in their collections.
And thus the start of AFTER ACTION REPORT Series ball started rolling...
Spring 2020 CO-VID shutdown. Roger calls Josh asks "Want to do a project that will take a year?" Josh jumped on the idea with a big YES. Scanning covers and the writing the book begins.
September 2020 First Kickstarter for AAR Volume #1 Marvel Era premiered at JoeFest in Augusta, GA
October 2020 Kickstarter successfully funded with 4 stretch goals reached
February 2021 AfterActionReport.net goes live pre-selling AAR Volume #1
September 2021 One year after the first announcement of AAR Volume #1 and after global printing & shipping challenges, AAR Volume #1 arrive in Kickstarter backers' hands
October 2021 Work on AAR Volume #2 Devil's Due Era begins
May 2022 Kickstarter for AAR Volume #2 funds 100% in 48 hour
November 2022 Kickstarter for AAR Volume #3 IDW ARAH Era funds in 6 days
November 2022 AAR: Command Files Character Guide announced at Assembly Required in Des Moines, IA
February 2023 Kickstarter for AAR: Command Files Volume #1 begins
February 2023 AAR Volume #2 begins shipping to Kickstarter backers
March 2023 AfterActionReport.net site refresh
April 2023 Kickstarter for AAR: Command Files Volume #1 funds, but campaign pauses for 35 days due to copyright infringement claim
May 2023 Kickstarter for AAR: Command Files Volume #1 resumes and completes
June 2023 Kickstarter for AAR Volume #1 Second Printing Newsstand funds
January 2024 Kickstarter for History of G.I. Joe #21 an After Action Report Book funds
June 2024 History of G.I. Joe #21 an After Action Report Book is available at JoeFest in Augusta, GA then begins shipping to Kickstarter backers shortly after
September 2024 Kickstarter of G.I. Joe & Transformers Comic Checklist, After Action Report Book funds
Tentatively looking forward
2025 Kickstarter for AAR: Command Files Volume #2 begins
TBD Kickstarter for AAR: International Volumes #1 and #2 begins

And the adventure continues...
For Roger, it's been a near lifetime of thinking about AAR. For Josh, just a couple of years of non stop computer work on AAR. But for both writers, its been 40 years of searching, researching, buying, collecting, selling and trading G.I. Joe Comics. They both have a passion for G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero comics that has NEVER stopped since 1982.
When it comes to tracking and filling out your own collection, you can't do better than what Roger and Josh have contributed to the Joe community. The two have been contributors to the YoJoe.com Comic Section. Josh was the Senior Editor of the YoJoe Comic Section for over a decade. Both have written several articles for Joe Declassified Magazine. Josh created the YoJoe.com International Comic Section

Roger Taft
AAR VOL 1 - Marvel Era
AAR VOL 2 - Devil's Due Era
Former YOJOE.COM Comics Section writer
Former JOE DECLASSIFIED Magazine writer
A project like this can't be done by just two people, so below are the people who helped get AAR Volume #1 made with their contributions help make it an excellent book to be added to a collector's collections.
Editor: Tom Eggebeen
Consultants: James Kavanaugh, Jr, R. Carson Mataxis, Jim Marshall
Australian Contributor: Tom Seel
Checklist created by Calvin Chymy
1st Key Appearance List created by Ted Jacobson
Contributors: Ted "Skinny Joefan" Jacobson, Phil Donnelly, Calvin Chymy, Adam Wojciechowski, Tom Seel, Dan Moore, Patrick Stewart, John Neville, Tom Raupp, Tim Finn, Jon Cremeans, Tom Feister & Rod Whigham
Supporters: Jason Murrell, Mike Irizarry, Ryan Drost, Hawk Graves, Tommy Hazleton, Justin Bell, Ed Schumacher & Terry Dizard
Special Thanks: Larry Hama, Rick Parker, Herb Trimpe + Jim Shooter, Denny O'Neil, Stan Lee, Ron Rudat, Hector Garrido, Ron Friedman, Alan Hassenfeld, Kirk Bozigian + Marvel, Griffin Becal, Hasbro, Snake Eyes, Scarlett, Storm Shadow and a bunch of kids who never stopped dreaming of G.I. Joe ...and your local comic shop (LCS).